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Rotary Retort Furnaces        




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Rotary Retort Furnace is Electrically Heated Tilting type can be used for Carburising, carburizing, carbonitriding, hardening and tempering of various items such as screws, nuts, chain links, springs, bearing races, needle, Steel balls etc. It is also used for normalizing, soft annealing and stress relieving of various components. It is good for gas carburizing and carbonitriding of mass produced components of all kinds such as gudgeon pins, arbors, studs, rollers, bicycle and motor vehicle components, sewing machine, typewriter components, mass produced construction items etc. It is widely used for components that remain unchanged by revolving movement of the retort. 


Rotary Retort Furnaces    >> Inquire Now

It can also be used for gas carburizing and carbonitriding of mass-produced components of all kinds such as gudgeon pins, arbors, studs, rollers, bicycle and motor vehicle components, sewing machine, typewriter components, mass produced construction items etc. It can also be used for normalizing, soft annealing and stress relieving of various components.

 It is widely used for components that remain unchanged by revolving movement of the retort.

 A complete rotary retort furnace installation generally comprises of following items:

 Ø     Rotary Retort Furnace.

 Ø     Quenching unit for water/oil or both as per the requirement of heat treatment.

 Ø     Protective/Carburising/Carbonitriding Atmosphere Generator.

 Ø     Tempering and Stress relieving furnace.

 Installation components are selected according to the requirement of heat treatment.  

Standard Sizes:


SIZE - 1   (20 Kgs/ Batch)


SIZE - 2   (35 Kgs/Batch)


SIZE - 2A(75 Kgs/Batch)


SIZE - 3   (120 Kgs/Batch)


SIZE - 3A(150 Kgs/Batch)


SIZE - 4   (200 Kgs/Batch)


SIZE - 4A(300 Kgs/Batch)


SIZE - 5   (400 Kgs/Batch)

All the above capacities are Approx and may vary depending upon shape and size of the components to be heat treated.


Key Benefits

bulletEasy to operate
bulletLow running Cost in terms of cost per Kg of heat treatment.
bulletLow maintenance
bulletGood quality control

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Furnace Manufacturer India
Industrial Furnace and Oven manufacturer for all Applications such as heat Treatment, melting and other heating applications.